Shine the Light

28 10 2011

This is a film produced by ‘The Way of the Master’. Some of you have already seen it. My family and I viewed it this morning. The content provokes a lot of thought. Not so much about abortion or the Holocaust, but how easy it is to grow lackadaisical about spreading God’s truth.

How quickly I become interested in achieving man’s approval rather than the Holy One’s. There’s nothing that separates me from the caustic wickedness of the unbelievers on this film. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

I must ask children or young adults to have their parent’s present (Best to have them view it first) Some of the content, though necessary, is graphic and disturbing. Yet, it’s imperative that we Christians equip ourselves from a young age to fight evil.




One response

20 11 2011
Lydia Hoppman

Our family watched this as well. (older ones that is) It is excellent!!!!

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